Welcome to Twenty First Century Schools

Welcome to my Twenty First Century Schools ideas and apps. Let us work to create our future schools and help our "Digital Citizenship" students.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Final Journal: "There is light at the end of the tunnel"

During the past two weeks, I learned aa lot from the course and applied a lot of the techniques in my school as a team leader for Grade Six. After working in this course, my Grade six Team and I are working on a project for the next year where are we going to build a wiki for Grade Six that we can share all our documents with students, parents and among us. Moreover, as a team leader, I want to promote and model effective communication and collaboration among my team members using the 21st Century tools. Furtheremore, this course helped as a leader to emerge effective use of technology and encourage my team members to search for new technology that can we use next year. Our goal as a Grade Six Team is to build the first 21st century classroom using the free resources available in the net and with the use of a small limited budget. Also, I am planning to hold professional development for my Grade Six Team members at the end of this school year to ensure that my team are on track of using technology in the classroom.

Regarding my comfort level with technology has changed. I had experinced and used many different types of technologu devices and programs before I started this class, but I have never used Wiki which is an awsome 2.0 web tool. I think I am able now to integrate the use of Wiki for the next year. I think Wiki has a big impact on me because I can use for many educational purposes for the next year and this is my goal for the next school year.

1 comment:

  1. Fahad, I have no doubt that you will be instramental in moving your school forward when it comes to technology. You have earned the respect of the class therefore I can only assume that you have earned the same respect from educators at your school. You understand and have already embraced the 21st century skills. It will be a great journey... have fun!
