Welcome to Twenty First Century Schools

Welcome to my Twenty First Century Schools ideas and apps. Let us work to create our future schools and help our "Digital Citizenship" students.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Class Journal Entry 1

Technology is all around us, touching almost every part of our lives, our communities and our homes. Properly used technology will help students acquire the skills they need to survive in complex, highly technological based economy. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

Recently, I am using technology to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity (Standard 1) in the classroom through virtual field trips, creating short movies and creating PowerPoint Presentation. For the next year, I would like to focus more on Standard 2 which focuses on design and develop digital learning and experinces and assessments. I would like to create and incoporate different learning digital tools to promote students learning and creativity.

As a Grade Coordinator, i would like to focus on Standard 1 which focuses more on Visionary Leadership. I would like to inspire and facilitate all my team members to shar my 21 century vision that maximizes the use of digital-age resources to meet and exceed learning goals and support effective instructional practices. Moreover, i would like to encourage my team members to implement tachnology-infused strategic plans aligned with our 21 century vision.

After 3 days of experincing the useful tools of the 21 century tools, I think I would be able to use them in my classroom and my school. I think that will encourage my team members and I to use technology more effectively in the classroom.  

1 comment:

  1. Fahad, You are definately on the right track with your ideas and short term goals. You have the vision needed as well as the attitude to become a true leader of technology. Aim high! There is so much that can be done.
